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Showing posts with the label "Journey Through Time: Tracing the History of Kerala from Ancient to Modern Times"

A Brief History and Natural Beauty of Kerala

 Kerala: A Land of Timeless Traditions and Natural Beauty Located on India's southwest coast, Kerala is a captivating region that confuses with its rich history, varied culture, and stunning scenery. Kerala is known as "God's Own Country" because of its distinct culture, picturesque backwaters, and abundance of vegetation. Let's set off on a tour to discover the heart of Kerala's history and culture, where the old and new coexist in exquisite harmony.   Kerala's Historic Tapestry In this chapter, we explore Kerala's early history, which goes all the way back to the beginning of civilisation. We explore the historical strands that have weaved Kerala's character throughout history, from the enthralling stories of  the Chera kingdom to the interesting connections with foreign commerce. The Soul of Kerala Is Dance, Music, and Art The lively dance genres Kathakali, Mohiniyattam, and Theyyam are among Kerala's most well-known cultural achievements. T